Child Fortune Plus Balanced Fund 34.7647 | Child Fortune Plus Bond Fund 27.2664 | Child Fortune Plus Growth Fund 45.4435 | Child Fortune Plus Secured Fund 38.7492 | Fortune Plus Balanced 26.414 | Fortune Plus Bond 30.4678 | Fortune Plus Growth 25.8395 | Fortune Plus Secured 31.7971 | Future Plus Balanced 44.0238 | Future Plus Bond 26.4642 | Future Plus Growth 57.1653 | Future Plus Income 41.1702 | Health Plus 29.5203 | Health Protection Plus Fund 26.6489 | Jeevan Plus Balanced 33.0861 | Jeevan Plus Bond 31.8957 | Jeevan Plus Growth 52.5562 | Jeevan Plus Secured 33.8483 | Jeevan Saathi Plus Balanced Fund 31.0657 | Jeevan Saathi Plus Bond Fund 25.9196 | Jeevan Saathi Plus Growth Fund 28.6555 | Jeevan Saathi Plus Secured Fund 30.3097 | LICMF Unit Linked Insurance Scheme - Growth 9.7147 | Market Plus - I Bond 28.7196 | Market Plus - I Growth 31.6171 | Market Plus - I Secured 24.6588 | Market Plus Balanced 39.7294 | Market Plus Bond 36.2218 | Market Plus Growth 25.2751 | Market Plus -I Balanced 26.0215 | Market Plus Secured 41.1254 | Money Plus - I Balanced 37.7519 | Money Plus - I Bond 34.0658 | Money Plus - I Growth 36.7397 | Money Plus - I Secured 39.7427 | Money Plus Balanced 36.7187 | Money Plus Bond 32.6451 | Money Plus Growth 24.8459 | Money Plus Secured 33.5416 | Profit Plus Balanced 38.2668 | Profit Plus Bond 32.849 | Profit Plus Growth 23.7558 | Profit Plus Secured 35.9722 |
I Arvind Monshi Dedhia started my career as an Insurance agent in 1982 up to 1984 I worked as an Part time agent and converted myself as a full time agent on 1st
April 1985, since then I have created many records in the Insurance Industry hence enhanced my professional skills & knowledge
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